Your Story.

Your Choices.

Your Ending.

Listen to the story of when Pastor Edward Newton took his-now wife to a Judgement House presentation. Hear his interesting JH experience and what he got out of it that still sticks with him today.

people sign the banner after they experience Judgement House

What is Judgement House?

Judgement House is a walk-through drama about people's choices and the consequences of those choices both in this life and the next.

As you know, life is hard and people are looking for hope.  This is the message of Judgement House: to bring hope to hurting people.

Do you have more questions about our presentations? Contact us below and we would be happy to talk with you more!

  • "People need to hear the hope of Jesus! I love the fact that Judgement House peels back the reality that we are not guaranteed a trouble-free life. Judgement House shows us that really bad things do happen when we least expect it. But through a community gospel approach, Judgement House points us to the love of Jesus!"

  • "In your mind you made a list of everybody you wanted to see it...that you want to know."

  • "I remember a voice as I went through the Hell scene saying, 'Hoyt, why did you not tell me?' I still hear that question as I serve as a chaplain for Serving You ministry. I witness to everyone who comes through the ministry for food or help with their bills. Judgement House is a unique and realistic way to share the gospel. I have witnessed many people come to a personal relationship with Jesus through the Judgement House ministry."

  • "Thank you for helping me make a decision to follow Jesus."

  • "Judgement House has had such an impact on my life and the life of my church. It brings us together as a church in Christian unity for a common purpose of spreading the Gospel of Christ to a lost and dying world."

Where to Find a Judgement House?

Churches and ministries across the United States and internationally put on Judgement House productions year-round. Find a location closest to you!

Can’t find a Judgement House? Contact us!

Got questions? Contact us!

Interested in doing a Judgement House presentation? Contact us!


Feel free to contact us by email, phone, or filling out the form. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!



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